当前位置:首页>资讯攻略>页游攻略> 魔兽世界冬幕节肉松水果蛋糕怎么制作


来源:一游网发表时间:2016-12-19 13:19:01发布:一游网
  • 类型:辅助工具
  • 大小:17.42M
  • 语言:简体中文


graccu's mincemeat fruitcake (格拉库的肉松水果蛋糕)



No treat that makes the rounds during the Feast of Winter Veil is quite so anticipated as Master Chef Graccu's delicious fruitcake .Although this dessert is made with simple dried fruits ,the spices from the mincemeat ramp up the flavor of the whole ,while the brandy icing gives a nod to the traditional holiday treatment .(没有什么是比在冬幕节期间如此期待格拉库大厨做的美味的水果蛋糕更能治愈人心的了。尽管这道甜点使用的是简单的干的水果,但是肉松里的甜香料提升了蛋糕整个的味道,而且白兰地糖霜也给传统节日气氛增色不少。)


1 stick butter (1/2 cup )(1根黄油棒(1/2量杯)(不知道是不是黄油棒,应该是1/2量杯的固体黄油的意思吧。。))

2/3 cup sugar (2/3量杯糖)

Zest of 1 orange (about 1 tablespoon)(大约1汤匙陈皮)

2 eggs (2个鸡蛋)

3/4 cup buttermilk(3/4量杯脱脂牛奶)

One 27-ounce jar of mincemeat (or 8-ounce box)(一个27盎司的用来装肉松的罐子(或者一个8盎司的盒子))

1/2 teaspoon baking soda(1/2茶匙苏打粉)

2 teaspoons baking powder(2茶匙发酵粉)

1/2 teaspoon salt (1/2汤匙盐)

3 cups flour (3量杯面粉)

1 cup dried currants (1量杯葡萄干(或黑加仑))

3/4 cup diced candied ginger(3/4量杯碎姜糖)

brandy icing(白兰地糖霜)

1 cup confectioners' sugar ,sifted (1量杯筛过的细砂糖)

1 tablespoon orange zest (1汤匙陈皮)

Dash of vanilla (少量香草)

1 to 2 tablespoon brandy (1至2汤匙白兰地)

About 10 maraschino cherries ,halved ,for garnish (optional)(大约10个黑樱桃,对半切,用以装饰(可选))


1.Preheat the oven to 350°F,and lightly grease a Bundt pan .(1.烤箱预热到250℃,将轻油脂涂在圆环模具盘上。)

2.In a large bowl ,beat toher the butter ,sugar ,and zest until light and fluffy .Add the eggs one at a time ,continuing to blend until fully incorporated .Add the buttermilk ,followed by the mincemeat ,baking soda ,baking powder ,and salt .Gradually add the flour 1 cup at a time ,ng well .When the batter is smooth ,fold in the currants and candied ginger ,making sure they are evenly distributed throughout the mixture .(2.将黄油,糖,陈皮混在一个大碗里打至光滑蓬松。一次加入一个鸡蛋,继续搅拌直至完全混合。加入脱脂牛奶,然后加入肉松,苏打粉,发酵粉,盐。此时慢慢加入1量杯面粉并搅拌均匀。当面粉混合物搅拌得光滑的时候,将葡萄干(或者黑加仑)和姜糖加入搅拌,确保加入的姜糖和葡萄干在混合物中分布均匀。)

3.Pour the batter into the greased pan and bake for an hour .Check to see if it is done by piercing with a toothpick ;if the toothpick comes out clean ,the cake is done .If not ,return to oven and continue to bake for another 10 minutes ,then check again .Repeat this until the cake is done .Allow the cake to cool for 10 minutes in the pan ,then gently tip out onto a cooling rack .Let sit for another 30 minutes ,or until it is cool to the touch ,otherwise the icing will run off .(3.将面粉混合物倒进涂了轻油脂的圆环模具盘中烤一个小时。不确定蛋糕烤没烤好的时候,用牙签刺一下蛋糕,如果牙签没有粘上面粉并且很干净,就说明蛋糕烤好了。如果没有,就再送回烤箱烤十分钟,之后再次检查。重复这个过程直到蛋糕烤好。烤好之后让圆环模具盘冷却十分钟,然后轻轻地把蛋糕倒到凉架上。让蛋糕再冷三十分钟直到蛋糕触感冰凉,否则糖霜会从蛋糕上流掉。)

4.In a small bowl ,combine confectioners'sugar ,zest ,vanilla ,and brandy .Add enough milk to make a thick ,pourable consistency .Carefully spoon over cake and garnish with maraschino cherries .(4.在一个小碗里把精制细砂糖,陈皮,香草和白兰地混合。加入足够多的牛奶以保证足够多的浇料浇在蛋糕上。小心整形并用樱桃加以装饰。)

