当前位置:首页>资讯攻略>页游攻略> PokemonGo精确CP计算值中英文计算公式


来源:一游网发表时间:2016-07-22 14:23:49发布:一游网
  • 类型:辅助工具
  • 大小:17.42M
  • 语言:简体中文


每个精灵有3个个体值(iv), 这个是IV就是判断精灵是不是jp的指标。 这个3个值的范围都是(0~15),也就是说你的精灵如果是15 15 15 就是极品中的极品。

那么怎么查你精灵的IV值呢,方法如下: 谷歌pokemon go IV calculator, 选第一个就是。 你进去看着像个帖子,点里面的最长的, 页面跳到“make a copy”, 然后点他 就到计算器界面了。

输入你的等级,你的pm英文名,cp,hp,强化所需的尘数量和选是否强化过。 即可得到你的IV值 或者一个范围。


First, look here for all the new Pokemon Go base stat values. The new values follow these formulas exactly :

BaseStamina = 2 * Hp

BaseAttack = 2 * ROUND(Atk0.5 SpA0.5 + Spe0.5)

BaseDefense = 2 * ROUND(Def0.5 SpD0.5 + Spe0.5)

where HP, Atk, Def, SpA, SpD, Spe are all the base values in Gen 6. Take

TotalCpMultip = CpMultip + AdditionalCpMultip

TotalCpMultip is approximately 0.095 * Sqrt(PokemonLevel), where PokemonLevel increases by 1 every power up.

Note: See this post to see how much (TotalCpMultip)2 increases every power up. After level 30 (or PokemonLevel = 30 * 2, since two power ups per level), each power up is about half as effective.

Then take

Stamina = (BaseStamina + IndividualStamina) * TotalCPMultip

Attack = (BaseAttack + IndividualAttack) * TotalCpMultip

Defense = (BaseDefense + IndividualDefense) * TotalCpMultip

(no rounding). The IVs range from 0 to 15. Finally,

CP = MAX(10, FLOOR(Stamina0.5 * Attack * Def0.5 / 10))

Edit: Formulas should be fixed now.

Edit2: Oops, fixed the Base value estimates (missed a 0 in the Speed exponent).

Edit3: Exact formula for new base values.
