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来源:一游网发表时间:2016-11-20 16:28:15发布:一游网
  • 类型:辅助工具
  • 大小:17.42M
  • 语言:简体中文




[NEW] 新功能

?Maps 地图

- Added a balanced six player map. 增加了一个6人的平衡地图

- Added a balanced four player map. 增加了一个4人的平衡地图

?‘Cavalry and Cannonades’ Scenario Added 增加了新的场景:商路与硝烟

- Combat scenario with reduced unit maintenance costs and no strategic resource requirement for units.


- Larger starting army and additional starting techs. 开始时拥有更多的单位和额外科技

- Time limit: 50 turns. 50回合限制

- Goal: Possess the largest territory. 目标:占领最大的领土

?DX12 Support 支持DX12

?Complete Logitech ARX Support 完全支持罗技ARX(什么鬼)


•Added additional notifications. 增加了额外的通知。

•Added a “time defeat” for running out of time. This is always disabled if a Score Victory is available. 增加了一个“时间失败”的选项。如果分数胜利开启,则不使用该选项。

•Added additional Hotkey support (next unit, next city). 增加了额外的热键选项(下一个单位和下一个城市)

•Added the ability to rename cities. 增加了重命名城市的功能

•Added UI to show the next tile a city will grow to. UI里添加了下一次文化边界扩展的提示。

•Added a visual cue for Barbarian Scouts that are alerted to your city. 为你的城市附近野蛮人的狗添加了额外的视觉提示。

•Changed Dan Quayle rankings.调整了分数排位


?Added prerequisite project (Manhattan Project) for Operation Ivy. 为常青藤行动添加额外的前置工程(曼哈顿计划)

?Added Metal Casting as a prerequisite for Economics tech. 金属铸造(锻造术)现在是经济学的前置

?Adjusted religious pressure when a religion is first founded to give them more resilience and convert the city. 为圣城增加额外的宗教压力,现在更难被洗(然而那个传教士晋升不改没区别)

?Adjusted tionship decay rates. 调整关系降低速率

?Reduced the effectiveness of cavalry production policies. 减少骑兵产能的效率(估计只加50%了)

?Reduced Warmonger penalties in most instances, and adjusted how this reacts to returning versus keeping a city. The last city conquered from a player now provides a heavy onger penalty, even if you have a Casus Belli against this player, because you are wiping out a civilization. 减少大部分情况下的好战度惩罚,并调整归还城市和保留城市对好战度的影响。征服某文明的最后一个城市现在会导致大量好战度,就算你有战争借口,因为你正在抹去一个文明的存在。

?Reduced border incursion warnings if the troops are within their own borders. 如果军队单位在他们自己的边界里,会减少入侵警告(AI不会动不动问你干嘛把兵拉过去了)

?Increased the number of Great Works of Writing slots in the Amphitheater to 2. 古罗马剧场现在有2个文学巨著槽位

?Increased Counterspy operation time. 增加反间谍行动持续时间

?Increased the cost of Religious units and applied additional charges. 增加了宗教单位的价格和价格增长

?Units may no longer be deleted when they are damaged. 单位受伤后不能被删除

?Deleting a unit no longer provides gold. 删除单位不提供金钱

?Updated Island Plates map to have more hills and mountains. 岛图的丘陵和山川变多了

?Units may no longer remove features from tiles that are not owned by that player. 单位不再能够从非国境内区块移除地形(例如砍树)

?Fallout now prevents resource harvesting. 辐射尘会导致资源无法被收割。

?Barbarian camps must spawn further away from low-difficulty players’ cities.野蛮人在低难度下离玩家城市更远。
